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Mixed Signals: Don’t Hyphenate Your Names Just Yet

It has happened to the best of us. Seasoned pros and newbies alike. There’s always that one date that goes superbly well. You both seemed to have a great time. The banter game was on point. You made him laugh, he made you laugh. You discussed serious topics with ease. And you even have a couple of inside jokes! You leave the date on a high. ‘This is the way dating is supposed to be,’ you think to yourself.  You just know that you’re going to hear from them again.
One day passes…okay, it’s too soon, gotta play the game. Two days pass and maybe they got busy? By the third day, that queasy feeling wells up in your stomach. ‘Why isn’t he contacting me? What went wrong?’ You neurotically scan the conversation reel in your brain, frame by frame, searching for missed cues or misinterpreted parts of the night.  Your mind is in a play, pause, rewind, repeat mode. It stays on your mind from the morning until your head hits the pillow. This is the biggest letdown and ball of confusion to hit your life; since your last date.
Then, out of nowhere, your phone lights up with a message from the object of your current obsession. Your heart skips a beat. Your hands can’t grasp the phone quick enough to open the message and see what they wrote. You inhale sharply, only to be disappointed by a short ‘Hey, what’s up’. You feel incredulous by the brevity of the message.  Your hopeful excitement is now diminished by disappointment. A text regarding your next date SHOULD have been the topic, versus this afterthought of a message.  You just received breadcrumbs;  light and formal niceties. You write back a few hours later to show that you aren’t over-eager and then…repeat. A day and a half later a shorter sentence from him in response to your response. Ughhh. What does this all mean?

We have no fucking clue. But we did read something recently that will hopefully put our and your confusion to an end when unsure of how a person feels about you. It goes something like this:

Do yourself a favor and take mixed signals as a no.
