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The Elephant in the Room

As nice as it is reading someone’s profile to get insight into their personality, your #1 drive to swipe right on that individual isn’t because they, too, like tacos. Your level of physical attraction towards them is the catalyst to the swipe. Your first impression is based on pictures posted on the profile, everything else is secondary. The main characters at play to determine your interest level are height and weight. Men seem to add a few inches to their height where women filter a few away from their waist. The perception you create on your profile is short lived when you meet the person, because reality inevitably smacks you both in the face. 
At times, there are moments when your excitement for the date comes to a screeching halt when the intended attraction doesn’t manifest in 3-D form. This is when illusion meets reality. However, what you do going forward after the initial dissatisfaction separates people who have character from people who don’t. It separates the women from the girls and the men from the boys. Failed expectations still require us to have good etiquette. You’re not shopping for a car, you are dealing with a human being. An obvious dismissal is in poor taste. 
So, the hoped for image doesn’t resemble the reality of the person presented before you, and you have a long night ahead. A tactful remedy would be a shortened version of the evening. You did agree to meet up with the individual, suck it up for an hour or two. However, we also know that there is no age limit on bullies. Calling off the date with a lame excuse the second you meet them will only feed into their biggest insecurity. The excuse of your best friend’s dog gone missing is extremely transparent and hurtful. Keep in mind the ripple effect of your actions.